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Biblioteca Medica Centrale "Vincenzo Pinali"

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Library Committee

ultima modifica 12/04/2024 14:34

Composition of the Committee for the years 2022-2025

  • Leonardo Salviati, President of the Library Commission
  • Simonetta Baraldo, Representative of the Department of Cardiological, Thoracic, and Vascular Sciences
  • Piero Dissegna, Student Representative
  • Federico Fogo, Technical Director of the library
  • Veronica Macchi, Representative of the Department of Neuroscience
  • Marco Pizzi, Representative of the Department of Medicine
  • Antonio Rosato, Representative of the Department of Surgical, Oncological, and Gastroenterological Sciences
  • Bianca Rossato, Representative of the Padua Hospital
  • Cristiano Salata, Representative of the Department of Molecular Medicine

Update March 2024